Friday, December 17, 2010

Candland DNA

Did you know, all natural-born Candland men should pretty much have the same Y-chromosome DNA?

I learned recently that the Y chromosome which is passed from father to son almost never changes. Maybe once in every 150 years there will be a slight mutation, which means they can tell a heckuva lot about a man's paternal line based on this test.

There is a testing organization called "Family Tree DNA" that tests the Y chromosome for 37 "markers." The results of the test will tell you which region your Y chromosome originated in, and will connect you with anyone else in the database who is an exact match. This would be very interesting in determining the true origin of the Candland family! :)

The test is rather expensive but I hear it goes on sale from time to time. I'll watch for prices to fall and take the test at some point. Right now it's $169 at
Family Tree DNA.

If any Candland men out there have taken the test, please let us know what you found out!

(Read more about Y haplogroups here.)


Linda Jonas said...

Did you take the DNA test yet?

Linda Jonas said...

I may help any interested Candland male with DNA testing. Please contact me.

John T. Candland said...

Hi Linda, how can I reach you? John Candland -

Linda Jonas said...

It took me a VERY long time to see this. My email is