Thursday, May 6, 2010

Candland Saloon - Menu

Bob Candland of Salt Lake City, UT contributed this little nugget. Thank you Bob!!!

Candland Saloon, as it was referred to in Harper's Weekly, was officially called "Globe Restaurant."

If you think it odd to see beer, coffee and tea on the menu, consider that it wasn't until the early 1900s that the Word of Wisdom became a commandment more strictly adhered to by Mormons. It 1860 it would have been considered more of a suggested guideline.

This is from a 4th Grade text book used in Utah schools to teach Utah history in 1998. The Church History Library or the State Historical Society probably has a copy of the original Globe Restaurant menu from 1860.

According to David's journal, the beef tripe was a favorite of the Mormon Prophet Brigham Young.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oyster Soup? Well, do you suppose it's Rocky Mountain Oysters? I can't believe that in 1860 they'd have any access to sea oysters.